Online Psychiatrists (Miami, FL)
The Online Psychiatrists is Florida's top-rated psychiatry practice providing confidential and highly-customized psychiatric and psychotherapy services for adults ages 18 and older.
The Online Psychiatrists is located in the heart of Miami, on Brickell Ave, and offers certified and approved psychotherapy facilities.
Call today for an appointment by number (305) 859-0509
Working Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 2pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Payment: cash, check, credit cards.
Online Psychiatrists
701 Brickell Avenue, 1550#A
Miami, FL 33131
(305) 859-0509
Location on the map: Miami
Nearby Locations:
Miami, FL
Brickell | Downtown Miami | East Little Havana | Coral Way
33129, 33130, 33131 | 33128, 33132, 33136 | 33133, 33135, 33145